Your ePortfolio

The elective course ETEC 590 is an optional graduating project for students in the Master of Educational Technology (MET) program. Students in ETEC 590 develop an ePortfolio in which they organize, analyze, synthesize, and present evidence to demonstrate their acquired competencies, values, and beliefs regarding the integration of technology in various contexts. They are expected to draw on a collection of artefacts that they have produced in a range of courses in their MET program history. If you think you may choose to take ETEC 590, you should plan to keep copies of the tasks, products, and discussions that you have worked on in ETEC courses as you progress through the MET program.

While ETEC 590 is not available to graduate certificate students, if you think you may choose to ladder into the Master’s degree, you should also maintain a coherent archive of your completed work.